The Skylands of Atlanticana are a wholesome and inclusive community. As a medium-sized NationStates region, Atlanticana features a vibrant government, an engaging roleplay, a variety of cultural events, and an opportunity for everyone to get noticed and contribute.

What sets us apart is our kind and welcoming community, that stands as a rampart against bigotry, extremism, fascism, shaming, and all other forces that promote the subduing of individuals for who they are. We warmly welcome our friends from the LGBTQIA+ community, of which many of us are part, as well as all those of all walks of life who seek a welcoming haven where their identity will be respected and cherished.

Find out more about us by browsing this website and our NS page, by joining our Discord server, and by asking any of us any question you may have – you’ll find that Atlanticanans will be enthusastic to make you feel welcome and adopt you as one of us.